🎄 Michael's Startup Challenge 🎁


Dear Nathan,

Merry Christmas! This website is my Christmas gift to you. I've made this website in a way that will be easy for you to make changes. Check out the README.md file on the Github page.

2021 is going to be an exciting year. During this year, I challenge you to validate a problem, and build a real startup that solves a real problem.

If your startup idea makes business sense and you prove to me your ability to execute on the idea, I will invest up to $300 for up to a 15% stake in your startup as your first angel investor. As an angel investor, you and I will work together to grow your startup. If this challenge doesn't sound that interesting, no problem! I hope you enjoy your website.

You'll need to be creative and scrappy and gain some initial traction to prove to me that your business idea can work. I'll only invest my money if you prove to me that your business could work. Dad, Nicholas, and I will all help you when you ask.

I know you already have a list of business ideas. Start to cross ideas that won't work off your list, and add more ideas that solve problems you see around you. Start small - what are some problems that you or people around you face every day? This doesn't need to be a software or app, just something that you feel confident you can do and that solve a real problem.

If you're interested, I'd like to meet each Saturday at 9:00AM MT for 30 minutes to talk about your business and how to make it a success. Our first meeting can be December 26th, at 10am MT.

Startup Challenge Summary
  • Meet with Michael each Saturday at 10am MT for 30 minutes
  • Find a problem that you think you can solve
  • Validate your problem is real
  • Come up with a solution to that problem which can also make you money
  • Validate your solution - talk with potential customers and create a prototype
  • If capital is needed, prepare a pitch that proves to Michael there is real potential here for a change to receive $300 in angel investment
  • Grow your startup!